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The 7 Best Tools For Funnels Design in Clickfunnels - Examples included

In this article we will be covering the 7 best tools we use and think would be beneficial for you as well for building funnels and landing pages. In this example we are using ClickFunnels' platform for editing and showcase.

Check out our video below where we explain everything in a visual format!

What is a Sales Funnel?

Sales funnels allows business owners to ditch their traditional website and instead build a beautiful and high-converting sales funnel for their business.

Sales funnels have one target for the visitors: To lead all visitors and leads down the funnel in a certain direction where they eventually will end up purchasing or signing up for something. Meanwhile, on a website, there are way too many options for visitors to choose from which may cause the visitor to leave without purchasing or even signing up with their email.

How to build a sales funnel?

We will go through step by step how use the 7 Best Tools for designing beautiful sales funnels and landing pages below. If it's a redesign for a client, we usually start by looking through the colors and brand theme to get a sense of what and who they are.

We strive for making a strong first impression on the funnel home page by having a beautiful but simple first section and header where we give them enough of reasons to stay for the rest of the funnel.

They first section usually includes a Call-to-action button for visitors who just wanna go ahead and see more.

This example below will be used for showcasing the 7 Best Tools!

1. SOFTWARE - ClickFunnels

What is ClickFunnels?

ClickFunnels is a one of the leading design software for building high-converting sales funnels, landing pages and websites.

ClickFunnels allows you to quickly and easily design your own funnels and have it up an running in a short time. Their drag and drop editor allows you to do all this without prior coding experience.

With Clickfunnels 2.0 launched, they cover everything about websites, funnels, course platforms, eCommerce, Email marketing and much more! We have used Clickfunnels for building 500+ funnels and can strongly recommend it for you as well.

The example above will be used for designing and using the 7 best tools!

2. DESIGN - Canva

Canva is filled with free resources and images waiting for you download and use them for your funnel designs. In this example we are downloading a blue image below and we want it to align with the colors and style on the on-going redesign of the website.

Make sure to choose an image format with low data size to keep the page load speed optimized.

Same page with a new background image.


Dafont offers a ton of free fonts for you to download and use on your own. You can even search on a keyword or phrase and it will generate a lot of fonts with the keyword or phrase included.

  1. Once you find the right font, choose download and open the file on your computer.

  2. Go to Assets inside ClickFunnels, press Add digital asset and upload your font.

  3. Go to your editor or page builder and edit the CSS code for the fonts.


Depending on your niche and client you can use sections to quickly add single or multiple columns, row and sections with images and text.

You can use sections to make simple design beautiful, for example 3 icons inside 3 columns or the example below shows how a section can be done. Next sections could be a mirrored design, meaning the image is on the right and the text and call-to-action is on the left.


We use to really make sure our funnel designs look professional. You can easily and quickly scroll through their categories and choose maybe a computer.

Choosing the computer will then allows you to insert your own images which will then automatically be cropped and fitted into the screen. BOOM! A few seconds and you already have a high-quality mockup to insert to your funnel project.


A good page load speed is crucial for your SEO and funnels. Before inserting the mockup or other images to your website or funnel, make sure you visit TinyPNG and compress the images to smaller size.

Usually you can lower the size quite drastically without compromising too much on the quality.

Once the compression is done, simply download the image again and export to your funnel builder software.

Final results from combining and Canva gave us the following result for a testimonial or resource section:

7. RESOURCE - 70+ Resource Spreadsheet

Having the right resources, software and tools for designing funnels can save a ton of money and will make the design look even more professional and advanced.

We've put together 70+ resources for you in a spreadsheet and it's all available inside our Fulltime Funneldesigner 3.0.

Hopefully you found this helpful!

If you haven't tried out Clickfunnels yet, grab a free 14-day trial here and start designing your own funnels and websites!

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