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The 4 AI Businesses That'll Make You Rich + How to Market Your Offer

Updated: Jun 1, 2023

If you are an entrepreneur like us, you might follow this upgoing AI trend and ask yourself:

"Am I in the right business or should I start an AI business?"

In this article we will cover the 4 simple ways and areas where you can use AI in your business.

Before you go on to read the article, make sure to check out our video below as well!

How To Use AI For Your Online Business?

Let's take a look at what you are already doing, something you are good at.

Ask yourself the following questions and you'll get answers on where you could leverage AI:

- What is something I'm good at?

- What am I currently doing?

- What am I passionate about?

- What experience do I have?

- What special expertise do I have?

Even if you don't have something 100 % yet, you can always choose a single path where you decide to go all in for the next 6 - 12 month.


Let's dive in and see how you can leverage AI as a freelancer.

1. Copywriting

If you wanna write copy for people and businesses, you can use tools like Chat GPT, Jasper and WriteSonic. These are great ways to speed up you copywriting process, which you can then use for you clients.

AI wont write everything for you, but by having AI to do 90 % of the copywriting, you can take over after that, edit and add your own personality and brand to it.

Make sure you fact check everything before you use AI written text!

2. Art

AI can be used for creating art and design as well. Dall-E 2 is a great example of a design generating tool you can use to help business owners.

You can create images, 3D rendering and background images for websites and sell this services to business owners

Another great tool is Midjourney. Check out these software and how use can use them for your business.

3. Design graphics is a great tool, where you can feed the software with your own images and input and it'll generate graphics for you. You can generate logos or brand color and themes as well.

4. Branding

You can generate graphics and brand specific content for businesses or startups. Let AI do the boring and simple work, and you add your personality and own touch to it.

A great tool here is designs.AI, which allows you to create logos, videos, voice overs and social media content.

5. Presentations

You can use to generate beautiful and professional design work and presentations for business owners. Add your story with the input and the software will do the magic for you.

6. Funnels

Funnel agencies put down a lot of work on designing landing pages and funnels, writing copy, creating content and strategy for their clients.

Since it's time consuming and hard for businesses to build funnels themselves, you can create your own package, a full all-in-one service for the business.

You can then use one specific AI tool for design, maybe Chat GPT to write copy and a third to generate logos and brand colors. This way you can charge more, cause you offer them the entire package and you speed up the progress by using AI.

Sales Funnel Designs
Sales Funnel Designs

7. Short form video

There's a lot of tools for creating short form videos. Probably because short form videos with Tiktok and YouTube shorts, is still very popular to this day!

Take Vidyo.Ai as an example. Using this tool, you will be able to create more content and videos, which allows you to take on more clients and thereby earn more money. You can use tools like this instead of hiring people, which can be costly for small businesses and require someone to manage the team as well.

Productized Business

This is covering some of the same principles as freelancing, but focus more on agreeing on a deal and offer, where you do the same week after week.

Productized agency

You can offer full packages for businesses, for example:

- Daily blogs

- Weekly emails

- Weekly videos

- Unlimited funnels

- Unlimited websites

- Coaching

- Consulting

The business purchase your service as a whole, you manage the team and take care of everything. Each individual in your team is specialized in one specific thing, meaning you don't have to do it yourself. This is a great way of scaling to 20k or 30k a month.

Done For You

This could be you and your business going through a customer's processes and business and find ways to speed up their process and optimize them using AI.

  1. Go into a business

  2. Create an AI solution

  3. Set up everything

  4. Get paid

  5. Next project

This requires you to be efficient and good at finding solutions, but once you find your niche and start implementing AI solutions, you can use them as referrals and replicate them at other businesses!

Examples of AI solutions that you can do for businesses:

  • Customer support - Answers most of the questions and guides them to the answer

  • Automated Chat - Saves time and resources inside the business

  • Cold emailing - Automating the cold emailing using AI tools like


These AI software we don't use ourselves but hopefully they will be available soon.

1. Thumbnail Generator

Imagine having a software that would generate automatically YouTube thumbnails for you.

The software would read your content, and based on your channel it would give you recommendations.

It would run A/B split-testing for you, and whatever works best, it would start to use. After the split testing is done, it would present the data for you.

Gusten Sun Videos
Gusten Sun Videos

2. Blog Writing Tool

Imagine having a AI tools what would write, edit and publish your content to any platform you like. You could do this with any platform and blog site and offer it as a service to other businesses.

3. Shorts Video Editor

This would work the same as the blog writing tool, but instead create and post videos for you automatically. This could be sold as different software for every platform. One for Tiktok, one for YouTube Shorts and one for Instagram Reels.

4. Landing page Generator

This tools would give you everything needed for creating a beautiful and professional landing page for your clients.

By giving a bit of input first, the software would then generate:

  • Branding

  • Color palette

  • Copy

  • Recommendations

  • Graphics

How to get your offer out to the marketplace?

1. Reverse engineer a goal

How many users do I at what pricing to reach the goal?

2. Pick an industry you know

What are you good at? Go all in on that one, build your brand around it and become the go-to-guy in that niche.

3. What problems do people have in that business?

Talk to more people and business owners. Find out what their pain points and problems are.

4. What traditional solutions are there now?

Bing did this with Google - Most people use Google. Bing added a AI tool for searching content and information and thereby people are switching to leverage Bing instead.

5. Create solutions with AI to fix old problems

We have AI for example in Bing, where people used to have struggles to find something in Google. Now Bing can generate summarized information for the users at no time.

6. Launch organically with a MVP / MVO

Launch a beta version that you can use to work closely with a few business owners and clients. This is done without the mindset of "How can I make money quickly?".

This way you can gather information, feedback and get testimonials. You can get into different markets and join podcasts to use other businesses and audiencies.

7. Partner with creators

Use people who are passionate about what they do, or YouTube creators to post videos or do content for you. They can earn commission based on sales, video or traffic.


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