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How To Start A Funnel Agency Using ClickFunnels 2.0 - Full Tutorial

We've built 500+ funnels using funnel builder software like Clickfunnels. We've tried out many of the other platforms and software like Systeme, Kickpages, Lightfunnel etc.., just to make sure we find the right one for our funnel agency.

In this article we will be show you How to start a funnel agency using Clickfunnels 2.0.

Our most impressive funnel clients are Clickfunnels, Russell Brunson, Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Dan Kennedy and Robert Kiyosaki.

Start your Own Funnel Agency Today

Before we get started, make sure you watch this short video about our massive course Fulltime Funnel Designer 3.0 - A great way to speed up your progress x10.

The course is not only for Clickfunnels users. The design hacks, funnel strategies, writing copy modules, DM closing with more, can be applied in basically any niche and funnel agency. Link to the Fulltime Funnel Designer 3.0 HERE!

How To Choose A Niche For Your funnel

Choosing a niche is something many people struggle with. Especially when starting out it is easy to get stuck in this pattern of "What if I choose the wrong Niche? Will it all be wasted if I change niche in one year? Can I make money online in this niche?" and so on.

We've all been there, we know it's not easy!

That's why we put together 5 factors for you to consider when choosing a niche:

1. Passion & Expertise

  • What are your passions?

  • What are you good at?

  • Do you have an expertise in this field?

  • What do you enjoy doing? That you would do for free?

By answering these questions, you will find a niche that would be a natural choice for you. Doing something you have a passion for, will most likely lead to you providing a better service and gaining more trust from your customers.

2. Target audience

  • Who do you wanna help?

  • Who do you wanna work with?

  • What are their pain points?

  • How can you help them?

By answering these 4 questions, you will get an answer to step number 2 - Target audience.

3. Profit

  • Is it possible to make money in this niche?

  • How is the existing services doing?

  • Is there demand for a service?

  • What models and packages are offered?

It's easy to fall into the trap of starting a business about something you love, which is not necessarily wrong. Just make sure it's something that you actually can make money from, and hopefully a good living from.

4. Competition

  • Research your competition in the niche

  • What are they good at?

  • What are they missing that you can offer?

  • What can you do to make yourself stand out and be unique?

Often there's competition in you niche that have been doing business for a long time already. They've tried out a lot of things and found something that works for them. Use their business model and replicate what they are good at, and add your own unique personal solution on top of that.

5. Scalability

  • If it's possible to make money in this niche, is it scalable?

  • Does it always require my time doing it?

  • Can I outsource my services or hire people in the future?

  • Is the niche big enough for scaling?

Finally, it's important to consider the scalability of your chosen niche. You need to choose a niche that has the potential for growth and expansion, so that you can continue to scale your business and increase your revenue over time. This may involve diversifying your services, expanding into new markets, or developing new products or solutions.

What services will you provide?

You've done some research when choosing a niche, meaning you have some idea of what services or products you wanna use for your business.

The services you can provide can be just a very niched down service or a full done-for-you package, where you do everything from design, copy to lead generation.

Examples of service you can provide

  • Funnel design

  • Funnel building

  • Writing copy for the clients' funnel

  • Funnel optimization for current funnels

  • Support as the clients builds their own funnel

  • Ongoing support based on need

There are endless opportunities on how to structure your services and offers. A good thing is to think of it as packages. You want the client to buy a bigger package, meaning you do everything from start to finish, and then keep being their support once the funnel is launched.

The two main packages we usually see is

  1. Done-for-you &

  2. Done-with-you

Set up your Clickfunnels account

Simply go to and sign up for a 14-day free trial to get started.

  1. Create your account

  2. Choose your plan

  3. Set up your payment

They have simple step-by-step tutorials for this as you set it up.

Their pricing plans are the following:

Create Your First Funnel or Website

Create your first funnel project or website for your own business or funnel agency.

They have free templates ready for you, or you can use our 37 templates for $37 here! They are ready to download and plug into your own funnel and just like that - You now have 37 templates ready to edit and implement in 10+ niches.

Example of some of the templates you will receive for the $37.

Your website or funnel should be designed for showcasing your services, general information, client referrals (in case you already have some) and more.

At this stage you might not have your offer package done yet, so build your funnel or website and you can add call-to-action elements later when you start driving traffic to it.

How to Get Traffic To My Funnel or Website?

This step is on of the most important ones when starting your own funnel agency.

There's a hard competition for traffic in these days, where funnel agencies and website builders are increasing. That doesn't mean you don't have a gap to fill on the market.

When we chose a niche, we saw opportunities that we could fill with our services and problems we could solve. Now we just need to put together a strategy for lead generation.

Simple ways to get traffic and increase lead generation for your funnel and website are:

  • Facebook - Start connecting with your target audience, provide value and post content about your services and link to your website or funnel.

  • Facebook groups - There are tons of Facebook groups filled with people in your niche. Use them to connect and add them as friends. When posting content, they will see your link and some will check out your funnel or website.

  • Instagram - Same as Facebook, but more focus on commenting on peoples post and posting your own content with backlinks to your funnel and website for more information.

  • Lead magnet - Create a free offer to give away. People then have to enter your funnel or website to collect the freebie. This could be a free funnel template, a short eBook on how to build funnels, or a free consultation and review of someone's current website.

  • Email marketing - Giving away freebies is a great way to collect email addresses and once you have them, you can start sending them valuable content and eventually try to sell them using emails.

These are some of the free ways of generation traffic! All it takes is time and effort!

Check out our video below if you wanna see more about getting client!

How to Get Leads to Buy Your Offer

If you follow the previous step on how to generate traffic to your funnel and website, you will eventually have people visiting your site.

Depending on the strategies you've used, you will have cold leads and warm leads. Cold leads might need a little bit of marketing before buying and warm lead might have an easier time buying from you, since they've already seen your content and trust that you are good at what you do.

Two factors to consider for high conversion rates:

1. Low ticket offer

Low ticket offers means your services or products are not very expensive. This means it's a small step for leads to purchase, and therefore you might not need to do as much selling and marketing for them to buy. Clear call-to-actions buttons together with a nice funnel be might enough. (Simplified)

2. High ticket offer

High ticket offers can range from $1,000 up to $10,000 or 30,000$. Selling high value offers requires a lot more thoughts and strategies behind your funnel. On a funnel for high ticket offers, you might wanna add things like:

  • Webinar at the top of the funnel

  • Testimonials from other clients

  • Money back guarantee

  • Clear summary of the outcome

  • Detail information of the purchase

  • Payment plans

  • etc.

Scaling and building a team

As your business grows, you'll likely need to hire a team to handle client projects. Consider outsourcing some aspects of the funnel building process, such as copywriting or design, to experienced professionals.

As you start out you will probably do everything yourself. When you are aiming for scale, you have to identify the simple things that you can outsource.

Scaling can also be changing your offers and package from funnel design, copy and such, to more high ticket offers.

Examples of high-ticket offers are consulting, coaching and course creation!

If you still want a bit more information about starting and scaling, make sure you check out this video!

Thank you for reading and hopefully you are able to use this information to start and scale your own funnel agency.

Make sure to collect your 14-day free trial of Clickfunnels here!

Wanna speed up your progress x10 - x100, check out our flagship course here!


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